It's time for a bit of a respite from asparagus before a fresh onslaught this weekend. Canada Day is also coming up, and we're having some family and old family friends over to celebrate. So it's time to get cracking. The menu will be simple as befits a barbeque, but that still doesn't mean there aren't things to prep in advance.
First up is non-alcoholic beverages. We generally don't serve pop except as a mixer for mixed drinks, and while other options have multiplied dramatically over the past few years on store shelves, it seems silly to pay a premium for something that you can make at home yourself.
Two favourites are chilling in the fridge as we speak.
First is Southern Belle iced tea,which is made from an eponymous herbal tea from Tealish. Located on Queen Street just east of Triinity Bellwood's, the good quality and great service at Michael Rachmel's tea shop means it remains our favourite Toronto source for tea despite the multiplying number of shops in the marketspace. His only real competitor for our tea buying affections is the incomparable Mariage Freres of Paris, but that's more in the order of a special treat than everyday pleasure.
The other is homemade lemonade. We've refined our recipe over the years, and believe that it is second to none as a refreshment for those hot summer days. It's winter counterpart is lemon squash, but that will have to wait until the great fall lemons.
Look forward to the recipes in my following posts!
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