Sunday, March 17, 2013

Drawing down the Stores

Despite an extended cold spell this March, the dream of spring is in the air. You could feel it at the Brickworks yesterday. Between the Irish country dancing, Jamie Kennedy returning with his al fresco frites stand, and Ruth from the Montfort Dairy moving back to her prime outdoor spot you could tell. People are ready for spring.

This is the time of year we start drawing down our stores. The freezer has started to look like it needs a good defrosting, and ghosts of dinners past come back to delight us. That said, in the process of doing so, we've realized we didn't lay in any soups last fall. For those who haven't heard, I had a brutal bout of pneumonia, and our routine preparations for winter were thrown off.

So, we decided that a good batch of roasted pear-squash soup was in order to tide us through the cold and snow that's forecast for the week to come. Today the house smelled of roasting local squash, onions, double smoked bacon, ginger, and home made chicken stock. The pears were the only import, they were just too good to resist.

Things went swimmingly. The only problem was it was ready just after lunch, and we have to wait until dinner to eat it!


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